A handful of dough and a heartful of love may not change the entire world but it can change the world for one person. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have little. We crave the satisfaction we get from feeding the unfortunate, the smile of a full stomach.
With this inspiration, FashionTV started out ‘Bhookant’, as an initiative to end hunger on 13th April 2022. By now we have nourished 2161 famished folks and are still aiming to feed 10,000 starved stomachs each and every day.
Join us on this noble journey for at least a mile to find the sense of contentment you seek. We will ensure that every penny you donate is used to feed people. Your contribution will not go unnoticed and will make a difference in the world; if there is widespread support, this expansion will not be limited to India but will occur on a global scale.
Join this noble movement to finally put an end to bhook.Begin with yourself!

According to the Global Hunger Index, India ranks 107th out of 121 countries with enough data to calculate GHI scores for 2022. With a score of 29.1, India has a severe level of hunger, which means that 15.30% of people go to bed hungry every night.
Furthermore, the most alarming figure revealed is that approximately 4500 children under the age of five die in the country every day due to hunger and malnutrition, amounting to over three lakh deaths due to hunger in children alone each year.
According to the Indian Food Bank, inefficiencies in the supply chain result in the loss of 40% of vegetables and 30% of cereals produced. Despite the fact that India is not impoverished, hunger remains a problem.
Over the last two decades, India's GDP has increased significantly to 2.246 trillion USD. Misallocation of resources and predetermined cultural norms, such as the caste system, have stymied the state's progress.
You have the power to solve this problem. Simply join our cause, bhookant, and be the force that ends the hunger crisis. As a placard of humanity, feeding a hungry stomach is the noblest thing one can do.

The Indian market of cosmetics defines the segment of 24.33 Billion in 2022. The expected CAGR is 6.32% which will reach by 2027. The size of the makeup industry is $274 Billion and growth of 15% has been predicted every year. Fashion TV entails a position for expanding the industry with an extended range of makeup.